Timing out / no results issues

Hello. I have a recent issue with the website timing out. As of now, it occurs with the main search bar (pretty much anything I can think of, including terms that worked before, names and GenBank codes), leading to no results. It occurs with the Taxonomy Tree browser (it works down to the order level, but not below that) and Taxon History (no results at all, just endless loading). It might or might not have occurred with the Contact Us page (I didn’t get any confirmation, just an empty form after submitting, so I’m not sure it worked). Often I get this little window at the bottom of my screen, saying
‘Timeout of 60,000ms exceeded’
I have had these issues in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Avast Secure Browser. I really like the GTDB and look forward using it again! Are there any settings that should be changed on my end?

Hi Laura,

Are you still experiencing this issue? The website works fine on my end. Perhaps this was an intermittent issue.


Hi Donovan et al,
I’m experiencing the exact same problem as Laura described, using both Chrome and Safari. I was not able to send a message through the Contact Us section, since this timed out as well (Error sending message: Error: timeout of 60000ms exceeded).
Any suggestions?

Hi Scott,

Thanks for reporting this. I’m also experiencing the timeout issue. We are exploring, but it may take a bit to resolve as most of the team is in Australia where it is still the middle of the night.


Hi Scott,

I think we have resolved the issue. Please let us know if you experience any other performance issues.


Hi Donovan,
It’s working for me now! Thanks for your help.