I used the de_novo_wf
to classify a single new bacterial species after classify_wf
only reported a “class assignment” and got the following warning messages:
[2023-03-10 09:57:23] WARNING: There are 1 taxa with multiple placements of equal quality.
[2023-03-10 09:57:23] WARNING: These were resolved by placing the label at the most terminal position.
[2023-03-10 09:57:23] WARNING: Ideally, taxonomic assignment of all genomes should be established before tree decoration.
I don’t understand what the takeaway message is. Is there anything additional I should have done or what should I interpret from this?
I’m also not sure how the tree I got from de_novo_wf
is different from the one made by classify_wf
, the topology and subtree around my new genome appears to be identical.
These are the commands I used, if needed:
gtdbtk classify_wf --genome_dir . --out_dir gtdbtk --mash_db .../gtdbtk-2.2.3-mash_db/ -x fasta --cpus 30 --write_single_copy_genes --keep_intermediates
gtdbtk de_novo_wf --genome_dir . --bacteria --outgroup_taxon p__Chloroflexota --out_dir gtdbtk-denovo -x fasta --cpus 30
PS. FastANI and pplacer reported classifying 0/1 genome. I read that occasionally gtdbtk might fail at this step but that the problem was fixed by unclassified genomes being report in identify/gtdbtk.failed_genomes.tsv
which is in my case empty. I assume then this is really due to the novelty, and not a bug to rerun the command, or?
[2023-03-09 21:49:54] INFO: 0 genome(s) have been classified using FastANI and pplacer.