Request for scoring results in the metadata files

I was wondering if scoring information for all genomes could be incorporated into the metadata files for bacteria and archaea. Ideally, this would include both the ANI score and quality score used to calculate the balanced ANI score (BAS), as described in the methods file.

Rational: if people want to fetch genomes but emphasize something like the genome assembly level (e.g. Complete Genomes), this will give them a way to fetch the next best scoring genome after the GTDB representative that meets their personal requirements.

Hi Bryan,

I can certainly appreciate the utility here. I have added this as a feature request in our GTDB GitHub ticketing system: Request for scoring results in the metadata files · Issue #36 · Ecogenomics/ · GitHub. The current metadata file should have all the information required to determine the quality score, but I don’t think there is enough information to determine the ANI score.


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