When annotating my self-assembled MAG, I found that my MAG was annotated as ‘d__Bacteria; p__Bacillota_A; c__Clostridia; o__Lachnospirales; f__Lachnospiraceae; g__Bilifractor; s__Bilifractor sp902797025’ with an ANI of 99.55 to ‘GCA_902797025.1’ (MAG from another project).
However, in NCBI, there is only one species ‘s__Bilifractor porci’ under ‘g__Bilifractor.’
So, I wanted to know how similar my MAG is to ‘Bilifractor porci’ (GCF_009696005.1), and the result is 75%.
Furthermore, I compared ANI between ‘GCA_902797025.1’ and ‘GCF_009696005.1’, and the similarity is only 70%.
Is it reasonable to have such low similarity between species within the same genus?
Or could it be an error that ‘GCA_902797025.1’ is classified under ‘g__Bilifractor’?
I used GTDBtk version 2.3.2, database V214.
I’d appreciate it if someone could help me with my confusion.
In fact, I want to culture my MAG from the sample;
first, I need a method to detect whether this MAG is present in the sample.
I thought about extracting 16S rRNA from the MAG and designing primers to amplify it.
However, I used Barrnap (version 0.9), and couldn’t find any 16S sequence in my MAG or GCA_902797025.1.
Do you have any good suggestions? Thank you.